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  • OPEN
  • Status=choose status

    set status before creating

    To get your (Character Quote) cqcode data/contents if lost send image or filename to GDK, or for lost qrcodes use the Lost qrcode image creator below.
    For Post Card Mailing create barcode below with address and message, we affix barcode to post card. Send image to
    USPS post card is 28 cents + a 32 cent sticky tag and recipient can reply with the cqcode or qrcode image...
    Yes, we do verify each images internals are numbered for final verification to change or erase. :)
    Put your self rated, off limits comments, behind cqcode image filenames, Soon required by law. :)
    Multiple uses for cqcode ten digit images...Your new ideas for cqcode are welcomed. :)
    There's no need to fill out the form below. Click Createcqcode NOW :)
  • or Search,,,
  • or To Change,,,
  • or Erase,,,
  • or use the Lost qrcode image creator.
  • API URL list creator.
  • API site, Text search and change.
  • Search text of all API tiny websites in the system.
  • cqcode image text write.
  • qrcode image text write.
  • Erase database element, Admin. demo.
  • Change text in database element, Admin. demo.
  • Change image on database element, Admin. demo. (cqcode 185 X 185 | qrcode 400 x 400)
  • Clone "R" of this site
  • Clone "S" of this site
  • Clone "Y" of this site
  • Add your barcode information to a SQL database
  • Run a 500 roll of barcodes with API files, get our LIVE CD (used offline or on your own server).
  • Start a coupon discount/booking Website For Local Business Owners
  • Use the, Change Link URL rename and shrink, to encode into the qrcodes to redirect the API to your own page if desired.
  • Read cqcode??????????.gif internal for API URL (not for QRcodes)
  • Blue Sticky notes...(drag final image to your computer)
  • Orange Sticky notes...(drag final image to your computer)
  • GDK Money on LIVE CD use of the shrink link base filename and the image filename and API website filename for Home servers image names or personal use :)
  • QueCat™ barcode scan wand and pen, Decoder and S.P.e.C. database.
  • QR decoder from files or URL's select Open and Allow...use file:C: OR full URL
  • Reserved Seating and more...
  • Barcode scanning with your Cell Phone camera and send a pix message to OR
  • Current database
  • Customer Service...
    RSS FEED UPDATES: I have beaten Google so badly to the QR code organizer that they are going after a different thingy and have abandoned QR code development all together. Article... Google Kills Off Those Little Square Codes You Scan With Your Phone Overwhelmingly the comments say Google will never kill off QR squarecodes ... ...
    Name/Referrer URL QUERY_STRING
    UniqueID cqcode??????????
    Add MAC address(s) then any Memo(USE A12)
    Create API Developer Perl commands.
    Command 2

    Click Createcqcode button NOW

    Working..., Wait for page to load, Thanks.

    To write a 10 second delayed redirect to a URL:

    Make one long line...into the Command form box...

    connect the "refresh" to the content with a space inbetween

    Then in the Command 2 form box input the single short line above...

    when your done inputting put the password to accept the inputs in as the first word in Memo...

    The API creates Perl script on the fly. Perl code and associated tools and documentation allow you to create software application(s) Example: using URL with data and it's Location:redirect runs your scripted pages.

    Created by GDK,©2010